10 Biggest – Longest Body Parts That Do Exist

The one who will take you to discover the most interesting things on earth In the previous videos, you guys all had a chance to take a look at some of the biggest unusual body parts of many people So today, once again, we will together discover about those big and long body parts like that, okay? Now, let’s come with 10 Biggest And Longest Body Parts That Do Exist

10. Arinda Storm Weaver

Arinda Storm Weaver, is a 58-year-old woman from Columbus, who barely cut her toenails and as a result, they end up being super long, which prevents her from wearing shoes or walking fast When seeing these toenails of Arinda, many people are crazily shocked but some are very interested and would like to spend their money to watch videos about her toenails on the internet Each of her usually takes up to 15USD for a 10 minute length.

Because of that, this lady has got lots of money by recording videos simply like that She is now dubbed as the queen of toenails on the social media Despite of many arguments around her weird hobby, Arinda is still deeply in love with her over-sized toenails and said that she could never live without them

9. Jonah Falcon

Jonah Cardeli Falcon, born in 1970, is a man who has the longest penis in the world Based on the measurements, his penis is 22.86cm long when he’s at his normal condition, and can reach up to 34.29cm long once he is….horny.

Accordingly, it does cause him many difficulties in life There was a funny accident happened to him when the police officers didn’t allow him to get on his airplane because they thought that he was hiding some chemical equipment inside his pants.

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After carefully researching his body, they were terribly shocked because it wasn’t any kind of harmful chemicals, but, his penis instead

8. Mijo Vodopija

There are dozens of people trying hard just to achieve a world record for themselves, but, this guy, Mijo Vodopija, from Croatia, has the world record came to him very naturally after one of his teeth, which was 4cm long, was plucked out by the dentist, Max Lukas, who works at a dental clinic located in the Mainz city, Germany After seeing the tooth, this doctor quickly sent it to the Guinness organization to register his name into the list of the people who have the biggest teeth in the world. Really interesting, right?

7. Chris Walton

Chris Walton, a musician from America, who owns a 6.1m long nails, which was recorded in 2011. Omg, that was such an impressive number These nails have helped her titled in the Guinness Book in 2012 And in order not to break them, Chris had to apply the acid acrylic substance both inside and outside of her nails.

She also said that, by having such long nails like these, they cause her many difficulties in life, such as when driving, playing golf, piano, or using her laptop. Does anyone of you wanna have your nails look like hers? If yes, then quickly comment below

6: Carl Griffiths

Mr Carl Griffiths, 18 years old, from England, is a teen boy who has the longest feet in the world Each of his feet reaches up to 36.83cm long, which forces him to wear the 21 shoes size for men, 2 times bigger than the regular shoes size of an English man, usually is 9 As a matter of fact, his favorite sport is volleyball.

So in order to get his name included in the team, he had to order his training shoes from America and had it shipped all the way to England because sadly, it’s impossible to find his shoes size in his hometown

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5. Liu Hua

Liu Hua – 24 years old, from China, is known as the man who has the biggest hands in the world, in which, his thumb is 26cm long, his index finger is 30cm and the ring finger is 15cm, so in total, his hand weighs up to 10kg. In 2007, a group of 20 doctors worked together and helped him remove 5.1kg of his hand by doing a 7-hour long surgery Because of his own privacy so at the moment, his face is not published yet, if you guys are curious about him,

4. Adrianne Lewis

This 18-year-old girl, whose name is Adrianne Lewis, currently living in Michigan – America, has her tongue reaching up to 10.16cm long.

The cause of this is mostly because of the gene she got from her mom and her grandma. Whenever she shows her tongue, she looks nothing different than a character in a scientific movie Moreover, because of the oversize of her tongue, she can use it to touch her nose, chin, elbows and even her eyes. Probably, you guys are gonna freak out once you see her in real life

3. Robert Forstemann

Robert Forstemann – 33 years old, from German, is known as a track cyclist specialising in the sprint disciplines, who is 1.74m tall and weighs around 90kg, but, owns the biggest thigh in the world, reaching up to 74cm, making people think that his thigh is quite overwhelm, or even, creepy One of the tips that helps him maintaining this incredible size of his thigh is not skipping any work-out schedules.

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Although he’s not a bodybuilder, but I have to say that his body doesn’t look different than a real bodybuilder, especially is his thighs

2. Kala Kaiwi

Kala Kaiwi, from Hawai, is the man who has the biggest stretch earlobes in the world. And this is a result of his ear modification since he was small His earlobes are very special, which are completely different than normal people’s.

Their diameter is 11cm, which are so big that you can fit a hand through them Not only having weird earlobes, but Kala Kaiwi also makes people frozen when got to know some of his weird hobbies like body modifications for example, which makes him look extremely scary. But for me, I think he’s very stylish, don’t you think so

1. Bobbi Jo Westley

Westley – 43 years old, from York, Pennsylvania, has a body weight reaching up to 222kg, in which each of her legs is 63kg heavy. Plus, her butt is also naturally enormous as well She is well-known on social media by posting many photos showing of her 251cm wide butt.

A great number of social media users are even willing to spend money to watch her livestreaming and showing her butt to them. Because of that, she can easily get 2000USD for every hour that she livestreams.

However, this woman thinks that her overweight body actually makes her feel more attractive and sexier, as she said: “I feel very confident showing my body to the public”.

And yes, she totally deserves to rank at the 1st place in this list, right guys? The previous records are top 10 longest and biggest body parts in the world Who are you most impressed with?

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