Sea Creatures

5 Animals of Antarctica Explained

5 Animals of Antarctica Explained 5. Antarctic Krill Antarctic krill look like a much smaller version of a prawn. They are transparent with shells that have a red colored tint. Despite their small size, they play a crucial role in sustaining life in Antarctica. Practically all the other animals who live there (like whales, seabirds,

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6 Glowing Alien Fish in the Deep Sea

6 Glowing Alien Fish in the Deep Sea From Fluorescent Viperfish and Bioluminescent Catsharks to Glowing Anglerfish and Genetically Modified Glofish. These are 6 Glowing Alien Fish in the Deep Sea. 6. GloFish Let’s start off this article about fish that glow, with GloFish! They are a patented and trademarked brand of genetically engineered fluorescent

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