8 Benefits of Lemon Balm Tea

8 Benefits of Lemon Balm Tea

The most notable benefits of lemon balm tea are that it calms the digestive system, treats sleep disorders, stimulates cognitive impairment, strengthens the immune system, detoxifies the body, relieves fever, relieves anxiety and relieves menstrual symptoms. It’s calming. In terms of side effects, drinking lemon balm tea has been reported to have few negative effects, despite occasional nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and dizziness may occur. 

What is Lemon Balm Tea?

This healthy tea, also called melissa, is derived from the scientifically known leaf of the lemon balm plant, a type of mint. It is widely available, inexpensive, and can be easily grown in home gardens. Lemon balm tea, with its soothing soothing and soothing properties, has been a part of traditional healing methods for centuries. Various health benefits are the result of active compounds found in lemon balm, including copper, manganese, zinc and various essential vitamins, as well as tannins, flavonoids, rosmarinic acid, citronellal, eugenol and other polyphenolic compounds.

Benefits of Lemon Balm Tea

If you suffer from anxiety, insomnia, colds, cough, flu, respiratory infections, Alzheimer’s, dementia, fever, pain, cramps, herpes, sores, headaches and high blood pressure, you should drink lemon balm tea.

1 . Anxiety Relief Properties

One of the most popular and common uses of lemon balm tea is for people suffering from anxiety. Excessive stress hormones in the body can cause many problems, including high levels of oxidative stress, strain on your metabolism, and poor heart health.

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2 . Lnflammation

Inflammatory conditions range from arthritis and joint disease to indigestion, allergic reactions and headaches. Lemon balm has proven anti-inflammatory compounds that, when used regularly, can combat these conditions. 

3 . Gastrointestinal Disorders

Calming the stomach is another popular use of lemon balm tea, so if you routinely suffer from indigestion, excessive flatulence, constipation, acid reflux disease, cramps or bloating, drinking this tea daily can help optimize digestion and provide adequate nutrients. can be secured.

4 . Immune System

This tea has antibacterial and bactericidal properties, making it effective against a variety of colds, flus, and infections. In addition to its antioxidant properties, this tea also stimulates the production of white blood cells and can help get rid of mucus and phlegm that many pathogens like to hide and breed.

5 . Menstrual Cramps

This tea is one of the oldest and most reliable remedies for painful menstrual cramps. Together with the combined anticonvulsant effects of sedative and analgesic effects, it can relieve discomfort during painful periods and can relieve anxiety or mood swings that accompany menstruation.

6 . Cognitive Boost

For those with or at risk of Alzheimer’s disease, lemon balm tea may help improve cognitive function and improve memory. Although lemon balm is commonly used as an aromatherapy tool for Alzheimer’s disease, drinking tea provides beneficial antioxidants that can help prevent plaque buildup in nerve pathways.

7 . Herpes

Numerous studies have linked the flavonoids and phenolic compounds in lemon balm tea to a reduction in the herpes simplex virus. Lemon balm can be applied topically, but the immune system boost obtained from tea may also help treat this sexually transmitted disease.

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8 . Heart Health

The true properties of this herbal tea help control blood pressure, making it an ideal relaxing brew for people suffering from high blood pressure. This may help lower your chances of experiencing heart attacks and strokes, as well as developing atherosclerosis. If you are already taking blood pressure medications, you should talk to your doctor before adding lemon balm tea to your diet. There may be negative interactions. 

How to Make Lemon Balm Tea?

If you have fresh or dried lemon balm, water, and honey or sugar to sweeten, you can make lemon balm tea at home with this simple recipe. If you are growing lemon balm at home and want to dry out more for later use, cut the stems off the lemon balm plant and collect them in bunches. Hang upside down in a cool, dark, dry place. After a week or two, the herbs are completely dry and can be easily separated from the stem. Put the leaves in a bag and crush them. Separate the remaining stems. Store in a cool, dark place until ready to use. If you are making tea from fresh leaves, you can leave the leaves whole or cut them to drain more beneficial oils.


Ingredients : 

2 teaspoons fresh lemon balm leaves (1 teaspoon dried lemon balm leaves)

2 cups water (filtered)

1 teaspoon honey or sugar to taste

  • Step 1 – Wait for the water to boil in a small pot.
  • Step 2 – Put lemon balm leaves into a teacup and pour boiling water over them.
  • Step 3 – Infuse the tea for 5-10 minutes depending on the strength you want.
  • Step 4 – Add sugar or honey if desired and enjoy.
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Lemon Balm Tea Side Effects

Side effects from drinking this herbal tea are very rare. Also, studies on the effectiveness of this herb when used over long periods of time stand out. First of all, it may not be wise to use lemon balm if you are allergic to other plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae, as you can have a severe allergic reaction.

  • Abdominal pain – In rare cases, one of the most common side effects of drinking lemon balm tea can be stomach upset, vomiting, and vomiting. This is often experienced by people who consume excessive amounts of food. Potent active compounds are very beneficial, but only in moderation.
  • Dizziness – Some people have experienced dizziness or excessive drowsiness when drinking very strong lemon balm tea. If you experience any of these side effects, stop using the tea immediately.
  • Surgery – Due to the authenticity of lemon balm tea, it should not be drunk prior to surgery, as it can negatively interact with anesthesia.
  • Pregnancy – Not recommended for pregnant women as there are no established studies on the use of this tea during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Children – While most herbal teas are recommended only for adults, lemon balm tea is approved for use in small amounts and for a limited time in children.
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