7 Benefits of Dandelion Root

If you know how to use this powerful herb correctly, you can reap incredible dandelion root benefits.

Dandelion Root

Dandelion, sometimes called lion’s mane, is a small, bright yellow flower with a flower head closed at night. It is native to Europe, Asia and North Africa, but is natural in other parts of the world and is often found as a weed in the wild. Dandelion roots are thick, dark brown and have white flesh.

All parts of dandelion have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. In the United States, indigenous peoples used it to relieve stomach upset or as a poultice.

In Chinese medicine, dandelion root is used to treat intestinal, liver and lung diseases. Additionally, many cultures recognize the benefits of dandelion root for women who are breastfeeding or going through menopause. Although modern herbalists today still recommend the root of various health problems, there is little scientific evidence to support beneficial claims.

Dandelion Root

Benefits of Dandelion Root

The top health benefits of dandelion root include its ability to detoxify the liver, support digestion, reduce cancer risk, treat inflammation, and more. We’ll take a closer look at these benefits below.

1. Detoxifies and prevents liver damage

In traditional medicine, dandelion root is a popular tonic for liver damage. It is rich in iron, vitamin A and calcium, all of which are important for liver health. This root is believed to promote bile production while also clearing the liver and gallbladder. Because of its liver detoxification capacity, dandelion root is often found in packaged detoxification mixtures. Modern research suggests that dandelion root may actually prevent liver fibrosis due to inhalation of carbon tetrachloride. It may also help prevent alcohol-related liver damage.

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2. Aids digestion.

Dandelion root has a mild laxative effect and aids digestion after meals. It can also encourage the growth of healthy gut biodomes. It also stimulates the production of stomach acid and bile, which aids in the digestion of rich and fatty foods. It is used to increase appetite, reduce gas and relieve constipation. Dandelion root is also a rich source of inulin, a prebiotic fiber that is converted to short-chain fatty acids by your gut bacteria.

3. anticancer properties

A 2016 report found that much of this fundamental anticancer reputation is due to its ability to induce apoptosis. Apoptosis is the process by which cells regenerate themselves, allowing cells with damaged proteins to rebuild into new ones. This is important in preventing the growth of cancer cells in the body. Dandelion root extract has been shown to be effective in slowing the growth of pancreatic cancer cells as well as leukemia and melanoma through stimulated apoptosis (apoptotic death).

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4. Inflammation treatment

Dandelion root has long been used to treat inflammation of organs, joints, and edema. Part of the anti-inflammatory properties of this herb have to do with phytonutrients and essential fatty acids. Phytonutrients are antioxidants found naturally in plants, which have been found to provide numerous health benefits.

5. diuretic

Dandelion root is a traditional diuretic, validated in a 2009 study at the Sophia Institute in Thailand, Maryland, conducted by Bevin A Claire and Richard S. Conroy. Diuretics are good for the body in many ways. Recommended for weight loss because it reduces water weight. It is also believed to aid kidney damage by inducing detoxification of toxins and supporting healthy kidney function. Because of this, it is also recommended for gout, rheumatism, or swollen joints. It may also help prevent urinary tract infections

6. milk production

Hormones Some proponents theorize that while dandelion root by itself does not help promote lactation, important vitamins and minerals contribute to the mother’s overall health and thus to healthy lactation. 

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7. Promotes cardiovascular health

As a diuretic, dandelion root may help lower blood pressure. It is also a good source of fiber and potassium to support healthy blood pressure. Dandelion root may also help control cholesterol levels.

Uses of Dandelion Root

Dried dandelion root is found in powder, capsule form, or dried to make a tea. A tincture of dandelion root is also possible. Dandelion root “coffee” is a popular coffee alternative for those who want to avoid caffeine, and it has a taste similar to brewed coffee in the morning!

Side Effect

Side effects such as irritation, heartburn, and diarrhea occur in some people. People who are allergic to ragweed, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum, chamomile, sunflower or daisy should avoid dandelion products, including the leaves and roots. Dandelion contains small amounts of iodine and latex.

People suffering from gallstones, kidney damage, or gallbladder problems should not consume dandelion root. High doses of dandelion can reduce testosterone or cause infertility in men. Wild-grown dandelion is not recommended as it can absorb heavy metals from the environment. Use of this root may interfere with the absorption of current medications, so consult your doctor before using this herbal solution.

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