8 People With Special Abilities That You Can Never Believe

Hello all the strange thing analyzing experts! Your companion on the journey of world discovery There are 7 billion people on the world and amongst them, there are few that have special abilities that you can never believe

However, all of them will be introduced in today video Now, let’s come with 8 people with special abilities that you can never believe

Gary Turner

Gary Turner, 41 years old, from England, can stretch his body like a piece of gum. Because of suffering from a syndrome called “Ehlers-Danlos”, his skin is very thin and stretchy, which can be proven through how he can stretch his belly skin and put 3 beer cans in there

There are 10 thousand people suffering from this disease in total, and all of them most likely have weakens bones or blood vessels But the case of Gary Turner is very rare. And currently, he works as a street performer in UK

Troy James

Troy James, also called as a spiderman who walks like a monster. At the studio, Troy James usually performs his stretching ability like those scary characters in movies that freak people out This is not the first time Troy James appears on the TV show.

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Before that, Troy James also appeared on the famous TV show called “Show time at the Apollo” with the famous host Steve Harvey leading. Accordingly, Troy James works as a stretching performer and also freelance actor. He appeared on many horror movies in the past and is very famous on social media as well

Wei Yaobin

Wei Yaobin from Luoyang, China, is the one having the hardest penis in the world. From a showcasing the special ability of his precious penis of Mr Wei Yaobin and his students have been spread rapidly on the internet, making many people shocked He and his students constantly hold the bricks, wooden sticks or even let other people kick in the bottom of their pants but…their bodies didn’t move, meanwhile, if that happens to other people,

I am sure they gonna faint Many people including males and females after watching this, all had a heart attack, because they couldn’t believe what they were seeing

Michel Lotito

Mr Michel Lotito, born in 1950, is famous with his eating ability. According to some close sources, he has absorbed more than 9 tons of metals when he passed away.

What he consumed in total is 1 airplane, 18 bicycles, 15 shopping trolleys, 7 TVs, 2 beds, 1 coffin, and 1 computer. People often call him “Monsieur Mangetout” as his foods are those that are inedible and cannot be viewed as real foods, such as medals, glass, rubber, and other materials.

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The way he eats looks kinda tasty and refreshing. According to his appearance, he looks like other normal people, except his crazy eating ability

Francisco Domingo Joaquim

Francisco Domingo Joaquim, is the one having a rubber mouth which is 17cm wide and is recognized by the Guinness Book as the person having the widest mouth in the world

OMG! This 20-year-old guy can even put a soft drink can into his mouth and easily ranked at the 1st place in the “Widest Mouth Competition” taken place in Rome Being called as a “super powerful mouth”, Joaquim has quickly gained popularity and become a famous star in Luanda, the capital of Angola

Sameer Khan

Sameer Khan, 14 years old, having a flexible neck which allows him to turn his neck 180 degrees backward. Every day, this Pakistani boy practices his special talent to keep his flexibility remained sharp and stretchy With this one-of-a-kind talent, Sameer Khan has always wished to appear in those horror Hollywood movies. What a scary but special ability right, guys?

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Slavisa Pajkic At 17 years old

Mr Slavisa Pajkic accidentally touched to an intense electric wave with a massive magnetic without being electrocuted, which is also his special ability

Not only serving as a light source when cooking, lighting up his place, Slavisa can even charge electricity within himself to cure his villagers who suffer from many diseases Currently, Mr Slavisa performed his special talent by showing how he moved an electric wave heating 1 million volts into his body on a famous TV show in England, which shocked the audience crazily.

Nguyễn Hữu Tài

Nguyễn Hữu Tài, 60 years old, from Tiền Giang, Vietnam, has a special ability which is his body is a magnet, which can attract many items From many things made from metals, glass, rocks, this man can attract all of them on his body without fallen off

He can even attract a knife, a rock, or even a glass piece weighing up to thousand kilograms. He can even attract a big round table made from stainless steel hanging along with a brick bags weighing up to 20kg Which person are you most impressed with?

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