Top 10 Most Expensive Apps in the World

In this article, We Share the Top 10 Most Expensive Apps in the World. Don’t Waste time Let’s Start!!!!

Top 10 Most Expensive Apps in the World

We all have many apps on our smartphones, and after all, they can to make life easier. There are apps to watch films or listening to music shopping, exercising or playing games, reserving trains and flights and paying bills. Many apps are at no cost, but you can find some apps that will require payment of a small fee and give you great features in exchange. There are apps that provide good features, but they come with such an expensive price that they’re out of budget of most smartphone user. Let’s find out about 10 of these the most expensive apps now.

1. Abu Moo Collection (Price: $1,200)

Top 10 Most Expensive Apps in the World

If you’re extremely wealthy and you are unable to manage the amount of money you’ve earned then you might consider purchasing one of the ineffective, yet expensive applications on Android. It’s the Abu Moo Collection, worth $1200, is a set of applications that give users no exciting features or features to be thrilled about, but just gems to embellish your home screen. Each gemstone is worth $200. If you wish to purchase the whole collection, you’ll be required to invest the sum of $1,200. Purchase this app and impress your friends with how wealthy you are. It’s hard to believe certain apps are so costly, yet they are real. Certain apps may prove to be worth the use, but some aren’t worth the cost. However, the decision is entirely yours

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2. Cyber Tuner (Price: $1,000)

Top 10 Most Expensive Apps in the World

Pianos are among the most stunning instruments; however, they can be a bit complicated. They require extra maintenance and care. that’s why piano technicians have to be extremely careful and current whenever they work on pianos. Cyber Tuner was created by a certified piano technician, and he claims Cyber Tuner is than the other piano tuning programs. In addition to the cost of ($1,000) it is be required to pay $80 per month for information and update.

3. Alpha-Trader (Price: $1,000)

Top 10 Most Expensive Apps in the World

If you are a fan of trading and betting on the stock market, Alpha Trader will prove to be extremely beneficial for you. It is an all-inclusive suite of investment trading accessible through the iTunes store. It includes tools for trading that were designed for investors and investment professionals. With numerous portfolio management capabilities and options, Alpha Trader helps make the process of marketing stocks much simpler. Its benefits include a constantly updated spreadsheet as well as actual-time stock numbers.

4. BarMax California (Price: $1000)

Top 10 Most Expensive Apps in the World

It is a fact that the Bar Exam with a doubt is among the most difficult exams to pass. If you’re looking to pass the bar exam, it would be wise investing in BarMax California. The app was created by an Harvard Law alumn and includes questions from the previous Bar Exams and lectures from law professors. The app has managed to be included in the Top 40 iTunes educational apps. It’s the only one that can be thought to be a complete guide for those taking the Bar exam.

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5. Cybertuner (Price: $999.99)

Top 10 Most Expensive Apps in the World

Do you need a little assistance with playing your instrument? If so, this app could prove to useful and is among the top you can locate for this purpose. The piano tuner app gives users the tuning tools they’ve never used. It will assist you in an incredible way should you experience difficulties when tuning. To get access to this incredible tool need to shell out $999.99.

6. QSFFStats (Price: $999.99)

Top 10 Most Expensive Apps in the World

This is among the apps which don’t offer any functionality as far as it is concerned but still comes with the most expensive price. QSFFStats was introduced in 2011 and football enthusiasts who are hardcore might find it useful. It assists in keeping them up to date with stats for all of the leagues that pass and even upload stats from play-by-play via email. This is the only thing it’s able to accomplish if you’re willing to shell out 999.99 to get it.

7. The Alchemist SMS (Price: $999.99)

If you’re a professional in the field of metals specifically in the field of scrap recycling and management with an Apple smartphone, the Alchemist app is a great choice to you. The program, which costs $999.99 will help users understand how to cut down on costs of raw materials effectively. The Alchemist app comes with many tools that can aid in managing the inventory of metal including exporting and import of catalogs of steel, and much more.

8. Gun Bros Apathy Bear (Price: $600)

Top 10 Most Expensive Apps in the World

Although GunBro is a basic free game app available to iPad and iPhone players, you are able to buy an in-app purchase that can cost more than you could ever think of. Glu Games, the game creator, created a unique character called Apathy Bear that you can purchase for 600 dollars. The character can simultaneously fire 11 bullets, and each projectile is capable of dealing with 4,000 damage points. Therefore, if you’re an avid player, this could provide you with an advantage over the rest and is well worth the investment.

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9. DDS GP Yes! (Price: $499.99)

Top 10 Most Expensive Apps in the World

If you’re a dentist, then you’ll find this DDS The GP Yes! application will surely be an excellent source of assistance to you. The app for iPads and iPhones costs a bit, however it will to make it easy to present the treatment plan to your patients with a detailed visual display. It provides over 200 examples and you can utilize them whenever you need to. The treatments include treating tooth decay, cracks Cosmetic dentistry surgery as well as many other.

10. iDIA – Diagnostic Imaging Atlas (Price: $399.99)

If you’re an animal lover with pets that are small or you have a job with animals, but have no information about animal health issues, this application will extremely beneficial for you. Its Diagnostic Imaging Atlas, Small Animal costs $399.99 that’s quite a sum, but it provides animal care workers and their owners with a visual and thorough explanation of various diagnosis. It is a high-quality graphic and will allow you to identify what the issue for your pet’s owner will be in no time.

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