Top 5 Ways To Deal With Depression & Anxiety

Top 5 Ways To Deal With Depression & Anxiety

Alright lets get started in our list of the top 5 ways to deal with depression and anxiety.

5. Setting goals

Having anxiety and depression is no joke some people are not that educated on the matter and say well you can just make yourself be in a happy mood- or that its something easily controllable.

Its actually the exact opposite. When you have depression or anxiety you cant just snap out of usually isolate yourself and feel like you cant accomplish anything.

Which is why setting goals is so important. This will get you into a routine. Even setting daily goals for yourself as small as going on a 30 minute walk will be a big help.

It will get you out of the house – breathing in the fresh air- exercising- and giving you some new scenery. Its good to start small with a goal you can achieve.

Believe it or not this will help you to feel better. and then over time try to progress and set out to achieve bigger goals.

4.  Exercise

Now as I hit on in the first topic exercise is a great way to deal with depression and anxiety. When you exercise as exhausting as it is- it temporarily fills your body with endorphins which make you feel great.

 And whats even better is that exercise serves long term benefits since exercising regularly encourages the brain to rewire itself in positive ways.

So like I said in number 5 start off with going on walks and then maybe over time youll get into running then jogging.

Or if your not into cardio then you can always hit the gym and lift some weights or workout on some of the machines. That’s the great thing about exercising theres something for everyone.

3.  Sleeping

When you have depression or anxiety you either over sleep or you don’t get enough sleep. Its important when dealing with depression and anxiety that you get the right amount of sleep.

You can do this by going to bed and getting up at the same time every day. Usually people with depression tend to stay in bed later then they should because they feel like theres no reason to get up. But those are the kind of feelings you need to push through.

Its also important to try not to nap. I know naps are great but these will affect your sleeping pattern. Its also important to clear your room or tvs- computers and anything distracting so that you can get a good nights rest.

2.  Do something new

its important to be adventurous in life. Leading a dull life is not going to make you excited to get out of bed in the morning or leave your house. You need to push yourself and get out of the rut your stuck in.

now of course that’s easier said than done but it is something that will ultimately help. Its important you try and push yourself to do something different- it could be as easy as just going to the library or going on a bike ride.

Or you could do something that makes you feel good such as volunteering. When we challenge ourselves to try new things there are chemical changes in the brain- altering the levels of dopamine which is associated with pleasure- enjoyment and learning.

1.  your diet

Now of course no matter what your situation is its always important to eat healthy. But its especially beneficial if your dealing with depression or anxiety.

Sometimes when you have depression or anxiety you will over eat. And this is something you will need to take control of as getting control over your eating will help you feel better.

There is evidence that foods with omega-3 fatty acids- so food like tuna and salmon- aswell as foods with folic acid so spinach or avocado could help ease depression.

Also if you eat healthier you just feel better about yourself in general. Like I said at the beginning of the video suffering with anxiety or depression is a serious thing.

If youre suffering with depression or anxiety and don’t feel like you can open up to family or friends there is a number you can call where you can talk to someone who isn’t going to judge you and is trained to give you advise.

Thant number is 1-866-531-2600- that’s the mental health helpline. And please remember you never know what someone is going through so please always try and be kind to one another Well there you have it that’s our list of the top 5 ways to deal with depression and anxiety.

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