Top 5 Things You Should Never Do On An Airplane

Top 5 Things You Should Never Do On An Airplane

Travelling can be stressful but its something we have to do if we want to go on amazing vacations. Theres already a long list of things you shouldn’t do while flighing- but im going to tell you some of the unspoken rules that you probably don’t know about. Alright heres our list of the top 5 things you should never do in an airplane.

5. Sleeping through take off or landing

Well crap I pretty much do this everytime im on a plane. When the planes taking off or landing the air pressure changes faster than the air inside your ear.

Now as you know this can be uncomfortable because your ears pop. And a way people usually avoid this happening is by chewing gum- or inhale and then exhale gently as you hold your mouth and nose shut.

This actually helps to equalize the pressure. You can also try sucking on a candy. Something always do is yawn it never fails.

Little tip from me to you. But it turns out if you accidently sleep through the pressure change you have the potential to become dizzy- get an ear infection- have slight hearing loss-eardrum damage or nose bleeds.

4. Eating food off the tray table

Yeah these things arnt as clean as they look. The Today show actually took it upon themselves to investigate the cleanliness of aircrafts and had their teams take swabs from different sections on a pane.

And guess where they found the highest level of bacteria? You guessed it- it was on the tray tables. The ground crew is supposed to wipe down trays in between flights but apparently A lot of detail doesn’t go into it.

So just to protect yourself its probably best on your next flight if you go over your area with an antibacterial know just to be safe.

3.  Headphones

Yeah if you forgot your headphones you should just deal with it. Not only are headphones on an airplane expensive but they are also pretty dirty.

The headphones youre given on the plane are not new. Yes they come in a little plastic bag – but between flights the headphones just get cleaned and repacked. Its pretty hard to clean those headphones properly. So yeah its just better to use your own.

2. Sitting

something you should really avoid doing is sitting throughout an entire flight. Now I don’t know about you guys but one of the reasons I enjoy flying is because it forces you to just sit there and relax.

It gives you a few hours where you can just watch movies- or nap- just some time to chill. However as attempting as sitting and watching movies for a few hours on a plane may be its not advisable to remain seated the entire flight.

Turns out sitting in a small airplane seat can make blood circulation from your legs to your heart more difficult.

So to minimize the risk of blood pooling in your legs and causing deep vein thrombosis take a little stroll up and down the aisle. Its advised you walk around or at least stretch your legs once an hour.

1. Lay off the alcohol

Yeah this is more of an obvious one. Yeah sure maybe one drink might help you to have a more relaxing flight- but drinking in the air can actually make you feel more intoxicated as theres less oxygen than if you were on the ground.

 So yeah that one drink might hit you a little harder then youd expect. Yeah the last thing you want to do is turn into this personAnd there you have it that’s our list of the top 5 things you should never do on a plane.

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