Top 5 Weirdest Things Girls Secretly Do

Top 5 Weirdest Things Girls Secretly Do

The amazing thing about having girl friends your super close with is you can be your absolute weird- creepy- and freaky self with and they are right there being weird- creepy- and freaky right along with you and that’s what were going to be talking about today. Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 weirdest thigs girls secretly do.

5. Adjust each others boobs

Its true. Its done. We do this. Gotta help your girl out. Now this usually happens when your going through puberty and your not yet used to your boobs and are constantly having to readjust them to be comfortable and have your tops fit.

Or you know when youre a bit older and drinking and your bras just not covering everything it needs to be covering. Now unless your looking in the mirror all day theres going to be the occasional time when they just arnt looking right and that’s when your girls come in and are there to help you out.

Now to an onlooker it might look a little strange that one girl is touching her besties boobs but we just like to call that friendship.

4. That lighting though

So as girls we like to go above and beyond for our friends especially when it comes to taking that perfect picture. Have to get those angles and that lighting right.

It usually takes between 5-10 pictures that pretty much all look the same before we can land on the right one. And usually it always ends up being the first picture you took.

Its just something that happens and by this point we all accept it. But the lengths we go to are pretty extreme.

3. Drunken complements

Now this is something that always happens on a night out. Never fails. When your out for a girls night your feeling good and want to spread the joy- and a place that always happens is oddly enough in the bathroom.

Whether your waiting for a stall to be free or washing your hands theres always time to talk to the other girls. And by the end of the convo theres a 99.9 percent chance that one of you will complement the other on either your- outfit- shoes- hair- makeup-nails- or body.

Its just something that happens. And who doesn’t like to get a compliment? Now correct me if im wrong guys but Im assuming you don’t do this. Dont think theres a lot of complements going down in the boys bathroom.

2.  Wedding bells

when girl friends get together we literally plan every single details of our weddings. Now this wouldn’t usually be a strange thing.. but we will do this before were even proposed to or even stranger when were not even in a relationship.

Yep its just a thing most girls do. So for all f you guys who want don’t want to go through all the tedious planning and all of the decision making your in luck.

because more than likely your future wife already has everything all planned out. So you just get to sit back and relax.

1. Bikini waxes

Now honestly this isn’t something all girls do together. This takes a special type of bond and friendship. You need to trust the other person completely. I mean your inflicting pain on a friend and its done wrong that kind of thing could end a friendship.

Now if your like me and cant inflict pain on yourself then you need to go to a place that offers there services or if your more shy then find a friend who is willing to help you out. But may I suggest that you start with them helping you with waxing your eye brows first.

Its a lot less painful and it will show you if you can trust them. But its also a risky game because if they screw up well then your pretty much screwed and are going to have some messed up eyebrows for a few weeks. And there you have it that’s our list of the top 5 weirdest things girls secretly do together.

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