Top 5 Ways the Earth Could Be Destroyed

Top 5 Ways the Earth Could Be Destroyed

Weve had a pretty good run- you know in the last 500 thousand years Homo sapiens have managed to build cities- create complex languages and put a man on the moon. Yeah weve made some moves.

But it could be taken away from us just like that. And that’s what were going to be talking about today. Hey youtube im court McGinley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5. Before we get started I want to know what is your favorite thing about earth. Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 ways earth could be destroyed.

5. Death of the sun

Sadly this one is definitely going to happen one day- but lucky for us its not going to happen in our life time. In fact its not going to happen for another few billion years.

So this one is pretty clear cut. As the sun ages it gets larger- and in about 1.2 billion years the sun will start to change due to the hydrogen fuel in its core getting used up- this will cause the burning to spread outwards towards the surface.

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And this will cause the sun to grow bigger faster. And over time the increase in radiation will have a devastating effect on our planet. At a certain point earth oceans will begin to evaporate and boil away- and the planet as we know it will pretty much just burn up. The earths surface temperature will rise from 68 degrees Fahrenheit to 167 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Black holes

Now while this is pretty unlikey its still slightly possible. I mean even thought we cant see them there are an estimate million black holes throughout our galaxy.

Currently the blackhole that’s assumed to be closest to our planet is 1 thousand 600 lightyears away from earth. If the earth is destroyed because of a blackhole its likely we would only have a few months warning that one was passing through our solar system.

We cannot personally see black holes but we can judge where they are by going off how they affect their surrounding environment.

So if this is the way it went down its not like a blackhole would gobble up the earthy. Instead gravity would distribute over the orbit of the planets- asteroids and even earth.

3. Alien attacks

Oh yeah im going there. This list is pretty depressing so I wanted to put something on it that’s not a definite catastrophe. Now some people they think aliens might be nice.

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You know like E.T or those little green aliens from toy story. But when I think of aliens I think about the ones on mars attacks….yeah you know the ones who destroy the earth.

Because lets not forget this list is called the top 5 ways earth can be destroyed- not the top 5 cute little aliens that we can co-exist with.

World renowned theoretical physicist Dr. Steven Hawking has his opinions on aliens and says if they were real they would most likely be hostile.

And that they would be looking to colonize on earth or mine our resources. So yeah basically they would just chill up in space and send down probes with agents aboard and just wait until were all killed off.

2. Major asteroid impact

This one is just like it sounds. A huge asteroid coming and impacting earth….yeah it would destroy it. In the past major asteroids have caused large scale extinctions on earth.

For example the Chicxulub impact that happened 66 million years ago and that was assumed to cause the mass extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs.

Yeah you know the one that none of us were around for. If s small asteroid were to hit our planet it wouldn’t end life on earth as we know it. But it would put an end to modern life in whatever country it landed in.

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A medium sized one would cause a nuclear winter which would kill off a huge percentage of people. But if it’s a huge asteroid hit it would turn the crust of the earth into a magma and the earth would be destroyed. But fear not because NASA is confident in their asteroid tracking abilities.

And they say that they will know if a detrimental large asteroid is coming our way. And as we speak scientist are looking up ways to deflect asteroids away from out planet.

1. Environmental catastrophes

Environmental catastrophes and this is actually something that’s happening right now in the form of pollution- global warming- depletion of natural resources- industrial activity and agriculture.

So eventually us not taking care of our planet will put an end to life on earth. Given the fact that us as humans are really dependant on the eco system for food and other natural resources if all of that disappears then so do we. So start taking care of the planet guys.

Reduce- reuse and recycle. And there you have it that’s our list of the top 5 ways the earth could be destroyed.

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