10 People Who Have The Most Unusual Eyes!

The one who will take you to discover the most interesting things on earth! “Eyes are window to the soul”, so that’s why there are many beautiful eyes in the world that can steal your heart right at the first sight So, who are they and how special their eyes are?

Let’s come and discover them 10 people who have the most unbelieavable eyes! Mr Billy Owen, 44 yeats old, from America, used to work as a mechanic.

But in February/ 2009, Billy suffered from a type of cancer, forcing him to cut half of his face, his right eye along with his nerves if he wanna survive.

This results in his hollow right eye socket, in which he can even put his finger into his mouth and goes through that eye socket But what’s more special is that Owen can find money by performing that special skill of him.

He costumes like a corpse then puts his finger through his eye socket from his mouth scarily On the other side, Owen hopes that he will have more opportunities to tell people about himself as well as the struggles around his life

No. 9

This frog eyed boy, from China, was born unusually. He has 2 bulging eyes just like a frog, round-shaped but do not point in the same direction, he even has a small tail at the back of his butt

His family has tried to take him to many hospitals but they didn’t work because people were afraid of his unusual appearance This girl pained my heart, hopefully things will get better soon for him in the future

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No. 8 Delfina Cedeno

Delfina Cedeno is a 19-year-old girl from Veron city, Dominica, who suffers from the Hematidrosis syndrome Whenever she cries, her eyes, bellybutton and fingers start bleeding.

Because of this weird disease, she sometimes suffers from extreme hair loss and nosebleed for 15 days straight, requiring her to do more blood transfusions.

As a result, it makes her exhausted and tried to commit suicide but failed to do so. At the moment, Cedeno is receiving a special treatment and somehow gets back her hope in life thanks to her boyfriend, who always stays besides her

No. 7

Miss Kim Goodman, from Chicago, America She was born as normal as everybody else, but because of an accident that heavily injured her head, since then, whenever she sneezes or yawns, her eyeballs would bulge out of her eye sockets 1.2cm.

At first, she couldn’t control it, but now, she can freely adjust her eyeballs to pop out of her eye sockets whenever she wants Looking at her eyes, many people might wonder if it’s hurt or not, right? Currently, Miss Kim Goodman is holding the world record as the woman who has the most bulging eyes ever

6. one-eyed baby

In 2012, an Indian baby was born, but what’s unusual is that, he only has 1 eye. This has drowned his mom and family in a huge shock. Moreover, he didn’t even have a nose, which resulted in his 1-day lifespan.

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As a matter of fact, this body suffers from the Cyclopia syndrome, a very uncommon disease that only happens to animals

5. 2-pupiled eyes

This is a photo of man from China, whose single eye has up to 2 pupils. These wax sculptures can be shown as the imitations for his figure.

Although this disease is not found on any sources of journals, but according to the rumors, this man is known as a high officer under the Chinese dynasties in 995 AD. Do you believe that these eyes really exist in real life?

4. Elizabeth Taylor

Miss purple-eyed Beauty, Elizabeth Taylor, a Hollywood fixed star What’s special about her eyes is that, they can change into blue colors Having a good-looking face, high-bridged nose, white skin, along with her purple eyes, Elizabeth’s beauty has attracted millions of men.

Besides that, she is also known as a big talent of the Hollywood movie industry and is recognized as one of the most significant movie stars in America

3. Abushe

This colored boy, Abushe, from Ehiopia who has the most one-of-a-kind blue eyes He suffers from a syndrome called – Waardenburg, characterized by the deficiency of the pigment melanin that causes the changes in coloring of the eyes Abushe has his eyes blued right when he was born.

Thought that he was gonna go blind for the rest of his life, but after realizing that he got these unique eyes color, he can still see and observe things normally While many people are in love with his eyes, the others think that they look like the plastic eyes of a doll or a monster However, his family adores his eyes so much and view them as a gift from God

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2. Illinois Pumpkinhead

Another 1-eyed guy, Illinois Pumpkinhead – 43 years old, from America. At 23 years old, he suffered from a type of cancer and had to remove his left eye as well as his facial bones on the left of his cheek.

By being unable to function like normal people, he learned to do some amazing tricks by himself like releasing his cigarettes’ smoke and drinking alcohol or even… showing his tongue from his eye sockets. However, perhaps, many people gonna terribly freak out once they see this scene

No. 1

Tattooing already sounds painful, but tattooing on eyeballs? How painful would that be? Karan Sidhu, a 28-year-old tattooist has bravely tattooed his eye irises into black. He is also the very first person from India who dares to do that.

In order to get this tattoo done, he had to open his eyes widely and divided the process into 2 stages and did it several days apart Many people think that this guy is totally crazy, however, he’s still very proud of it.

I guess this must be the weirdest hobby I’ve seen before and this guy totally deserves to rank at the 1st place in this video The previous people are those who have the strangest eyes in the world

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