Top 5 Strange Things Sold On Amazon

Top 5 Strange Things Sold On Amazon

So many people love Amazon and use it almost every day. But there is a dark side of Amazon you might not be aware of- it contains weird and concerting items that shouldn’t exist in this world and that’s what were going to talk about today.

5. Canned unicorn meat

Ohh yeah the world of unicorns just took a hard hit. I mean first the unicorn fraps and now this? just leave the poor unicorns alone.

People just don’t know when to quit. Umm.. so im going to just jump out on a limb here and say that this isn’t made of actual unicorn.. because thats just something I wouldn’t be able to handle.

So if its not unicorn then what the heck is actually in this appears to be some type of meat substance? The cans rather bland I must say. I mean common Radiant Farms if youre claiming this contains unicorn at least do them the respect of jazzing it up a bit.. you know what Im saying.

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According to this tin there is magic in every bite- this is also an excellent source of sparkles- and these unicorns are a product from Ireland..

4. 1 thousand 500 lady bugs

what?? Yeah this is super weird and just leaves me with way too many questions. For starters who- what – where- when …and ooh yeah whyyyy? This is so confusing.

How does someone even go about collecting this many lady bugs- do they breed them? Who would even know- this isn’t something you would usually question someone about.

And who the heck would have a need for this many lady bugs—like 1 thousand 400 now that I could understand. But 1 thousand 500 common now- that’s just crazy.

But apparently they are selling for 8.90 I don’t know the going price for ladybugs in this day and age but im going to say this is probably a great deal.

3. Headband mullet

here we have a headband with mullet hair attached to it.. because who doesn’t want to have constant access to the most out of date hairstyle ever? I don’t understand.

So headbands are for working out and keeping our hair out of your face- so hey why not sell a headband with a bunch of hair attached to the back- genius! If you want to get your hands on one of these bad boys then you better hurry up because they are moving fast.

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I mean they are only 9.99 that’s a steal. And theyre so marketing savy that they have this available in both back and blond hair. Wow now they are just blowing my mind. Not one but 2 colours whoa slow down guys- your just putting the bar too high up there.

2.  Goosh pants- this one..just no.

you know how they say never buy pants online this is a prime reason why. So basically here we have a pair of pants that are selling for 14.99 and thyere printed with photorealistic pee and poo stains. Yeah because who wouldn’t want this item as part of their wardrobe.

I mean the pants alone are ugly enough…even without the fake stains. im willing to guess if youre disgusting enough to purchase these pants then youre probably disgusting enough to actually have these accidents in your pants.

Just get super intoxicated- take some laxatives and see where the night takes you- save the price on the shipping fees.

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1. 55 gallons of lube

now this will just raise a whole lot of questions that youre probably not going to want to just saying. How much free time do you have and what kind of life are you living where one gallon isn’t enough? Never mind I truthfully don’t want to know.

Hey maybe this is innocent. Maybe you got inspired by trisha paytas 100 layers of lube video where she got 3.3 million views and wanted to see how many layers you could do.

Fun fact her video was originally titled 1000 layers of cum challenge but I guess youtube didn’t like that title so she had to change it to lube. But honestly this stuff comes in a barrel and costs 909 dollars. Theres no way you are going to use all of this.

And what are you suppose to do with this barrel? There are just so many reasons not to get this product. And there you have it that’s our list of the top 5 weirdest things on Amazon. Make sure you guys give this weird and slightly disturbing list a big thumbs up and ill catch you n the next one.

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