7 Deadliest Bacteria Found in Water, Lakes, Oceans

7 Deadliest Bacteria Found in Water, Lakes, Oceans

7 Deadliest Bacteria Found in Water, Lakes, Oceans

You do know that what you can’t see can hurt you, right? The waters that cover our planet are teeming with all sorts of tiny nasties- bacteria that spell certain death if you cross them.

These malicious microbes are found in freshwater, saltwater, and even could be lurking in your own hot tub. Fancy a dip? You’re flirting with danger, especially if you’re unlucky to brush up against one of these seven deadliest bacterias.

You do know that what you can’t see can hurt you, right? The waters that cover our planet are teeming with all sorts of tiny nasties- bacteria that spell certain death if you cross them. These malicious microbes are found in freshwater, saltwater, and even could be lurking in your own hot tub.

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1. Cyanobacteria

7 Deadliest Bacteria Found in Water, Lakes, Oceans

Have you ever gazed upon a beautiful green lake and thought- I wonder why the water is that color? That slick and slimy algae is the first sign that you should stay far, far, away because it’s teeming with Cyanobacteria. This toxic slime attacks the immune system and mimics the flu.


7 Deadliest Bacteria Found in Water, Lakes, Oceans

What’s scarier than a waterborne bacteria? How about one that is almost completely immune to antibiotics. Enter MRSA- and it’s coming to a beach near you. MRSA is your run-of-the-mill staph infection on steroids; and our friendly oceans are just teeming with it.

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3. Legionella

7 Deadliest Bacteria Found in Water, Lakes, Oceans

Next time you’re up for a romantic dip in the hot tub, make sure that Legionella doesn’t show up and spoil the mood. These squicky bacteria absolutely adore the warm, bubbling waters of your friendly neighborhood hot tub. Although you’ll find Legionella in fresh water around the world, they’re mainly cozied up near the jets of your spa. 

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4. Hepatitis

7 Deadliest Bacteria Found in Water, Lakes, Oceans

If contracting the big bad Hep from the water wasn’t something that ever occurred to you, you’re not alone. The scary truth is that Hepatitis A could infect just about any body of water, and the culprit is medical waste and feces. Hepatitis A, B, or C.

5. Escherichia Coli

7 Deadliest Bacteria Found in Water, Lakes, Oceans

That’s right- we’re talking about that E-Coli, the nastiest of the nastiest. This toilet-borne terror is spread all over the waters of lakes, swimming pools, and ponds. You’ve probably taken a refreshing dip through some E-Coli infested waters without even knowing it!

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6. Vibrio Vulnificus

7 Deadliest Bacteria Found in Water, Lakes, Oceans

Warm water lovers pay attention- Vibrio Vulnificus is lurking in the shallows near you. Although the name has a cute, Harry Potter ring to it, Vibrio Vulnificus is anything but charming. You probably know it by its other name: flesh-eating bacteria.

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Vibrio Vulnificus enters your body through open wounds, and once it gets in, the clock starts ticking. Those who don’t get immediate medical treatment are at risk of losing their limbs, or worse, their lives.

7. Naegleria Fowleri

While you have a fighting chance of escaping with at least some of your limbs from Vibrio Vulnificus, swimmers unfortunate enough to tangle with Naegleria Fowleri are not so lucky. In fact, out of the one-hundred and forty-five people who’ve contracted this bacteria, only four have lived to tell the tale.

If you don’t like those odds, stay away from freshwater lakes and ponds! Naegleria Fowleri is an amoeba that attacks the brain by swimming straight up your nose and into your most precious organ.

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