7 Benefits of Plums

7 Surprising Benefits of Plums

7 Benefits of Plums

Plums are often overlooked as a fruit, but they provide an amazing number of benefits and can be added to your diet in a number of ways.

What are Plums?

Plums are dried plums, the most common form scientifically known as Prunus domestica. Eggplant has a slightly smooth appearance. There are over 1,000 varieties of plums, but their size is most commonly between lime and peach. 

Pruning has a sweet taste and is a bit hard to chew because of its high fiber content, but the same fiber makes dried fruit healthy. Plums and prunes are good for overall health in the same way, but like many dried fruits, prunes offer slightly different benefits and some advantages over their fresh form. This means that dried fruits can be easily transported and kept longer than guaranteed, fresh varieties. No food is wasted. Some experts say that plums have been consumed for over 10,000 years, making people one of the oldest and most delicious traditions. 


When it comes to nutrition, these dried fruits are packed with beneficial vitamins, minerals, fiber, carbohydrates, and fats. About a quarter of prunes provide more than 12% of your daily fiber needs, as well as 6% of your daily vitamin K needs. It is high in manganese, potassium, copper, zinc and calcium, along with beta-carotene, rutin, and zeaxanthin, along with varying amounts of important antioxidants that can promote health. 


When consumed regularly, prunes may provide several excellent health benefits, including regulating intestinal motility, preventing cancer, promoting bone health, protecting eye health, and controlling cholesterol. Let’s take a closer look at these benefits.

01 .Improve digestion 

One of the main reasons people eat prunes is to improve bowel movement. This dried fruit is a good source of dietary fiber and is known to have laxative properties. Plum juice is a very popular drink, especially among seniors who want to improve digestion, eliminate constipation, and reduce inflammation in the intestines. 

02 .Promoting eye health

Compounds found in prunes, namely rutin and zeaxanthin, are powerful antioxidants that can help prevent the negative effects of free radicals on the body. These two antioxidants can help keep your eyesight sharp and clear as you age by preventing macular degeneration and reducing your risk of oxidative stress.

03. Cancer Prevention

As mentioned above, the antioxidants found in these dried fruits can protect the eyes, but reducing free radical damage in the body helps fight other types of cancer because these free radicals can increase mutations and stimulate the development of cancer growth. It can be prevented.

04 .Improve bone strength.

With a variety of minerals and other important nutrients needed for bone strength and development, this dried fruit is ideal if you want to avoid osteoporosis and other bone-related problems. If you don’t have enough calcium or other minerals in your blood, the body will tear it from the bones and weaken them.

05. Cholesterol Control

The fiber in prunes is not only good for digestion, but also good for removing excess cholesterol from the body. This balance of cholesterol lowers the chances of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular problems such as heart attack and stroke.

06. Detoxify your body

Despite being dried fruits, dried fruits still consist of about 30% water and have certain diuretic properties, which will help flush out the body of unwanted toxins before they are made and harm your various systems. can.

07. Weight loss

Although a quarter cup of dried fruit contains about 100 calories, which makes up about 5% of your daily intake, it’s incredibly nutritious and will eliminate unnecessary snacking between meals.

Caution : Eating large amounts of prunes can have negative side effects, including diarrhea and gastrointestinal upset. Allergies to prunes are very rare. However, if you have never eaten plums or prunes before, you should pay attention to how your body reacts to adding them to your diet.

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